This Agile AudioCast is brought to you by:
“Agile” Al Smith, Jr. from AgiLean.ai
“Quality is the measure of value added by a productive endeavor. Potential quality is the maximum possible value added per unit. Actual quality is the current value added per unit of input. The difference between potential quality and actual quality is muda.”
– Tomas Pzydek
An integrated approach to process improvement using Lean principles, and Six Sigma, provides a holistic way to maximize the entire supply chain by eliminating waste, controlling variation, and improving quality. It accomplishes this objective by understanding the Value Stream or, more specifically, performing Value-Based Analysis.
Individually, you should note that Six Sigma provides:
A general approach to reduce muda.
A collection of methods to analyze cause-and-effect relationships.
A strategy for discovering opportunities for improvement.
Whereas Lean is a set of pre-packaged, proven techniques used to reduce muda.
Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. This content may not be reproduced without authorization from “Agile” Al Smith, Jr. For authorization please contact us at: AgiLean.ai