Agile: Project Chartering

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“Agile” Al Smith, Jr. from


Charting synchronizes the project team and customer at a high level on the project’s value and goals.

This is accomplished by gaining agreement into the 5 Ws.

Chartering happens prior to release planning. It provides an opportunity to address any special needs or considerations that may need to be accounted for and monitored during the project.

The customer, product owner, or business sponsors begin the chartering session by explaining in a few statements (elevator pitch) what the product is and why it is valuable. The purpose is to gain the support of the stakeholders and team members in understanding What, Why, Who, When, Where, and How the product is going to be delivered.

1. What is the value?

2. Why does it add value?

3. Who it is for?

4. When does it need to be completed?

5. Where are we going to look for information to get it completed?

And all though not officially part of the 5 Ws ask HOW, will we know when it’s done and if it was a success?

Answering these questions invokes a higher level of engagement for the team members and establishes a deeper level of commitment for all involved.

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